"I have to say that my favorite thing about Utah is that it's my home," Calvin Stauffer, one of Ultradent's electrical engineers, says with a smile. "More specifically, I love Bryce Canyon. Really, all of southern Utah is incredibly beautiful, but Bryce Canyon is my favorite." That's where Calvin took his award-winning photo that appears in the July section of the Ultradent 2016 calendar. He managed to snap it during a family camping trip last year. "We planned the trip and I hadn't thought at all about taking a photo to enter into the calendar competition, but when we arrived, I thought, 'I'm gonna give this a try.'" Having never had a photo appear in the calendar before, Calvin says he was excited to learn that he had won one of the twelve coveted spots in Ultradent's famous yearly calendar which features a different Utah vista every month.
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