With so many endodontic motor options available to general dentists and endodontists today, it’s no wonder that clinicians can have a difficult time initially selecting the right one for them. On the other end of the spectrum, some clinicians can end up stockpiling multiple endodontic motors in their supply closets due to changes and advancements in technology, discontinuation of files, or simple dissatisfaction with the motor or system they’re using due to excessive file breakage, malfunction, or other issues. However, selecting an open motor endodontic system instantly solves both of these issues, as it leaves the clinician open to options regarding which files are best to use on individual patients, as well as the ability to continue evolving technologically when new file advancements hit the market. Still not convinced? Let’s explore three important reasons dentists and endodontists should opt for an open motor endodontic system for the benefit of their practice and their patients.
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