“The first thing that drew me to the Uveneer template system was the ease of use,” says Dr. Chad Goeckeritz of Falling Creek Dental in Draper, Utah.
Dr. Goeckeritz says before he adopted the Uveneer template system in his practice, he would often spend up to an hour and a half to two hours on a chairside composite veneer case. “Before using the Uveneer composite template system, I would spend hours stacking and layering and doing everything by hand with the little mylar strips and teflon tape around the teeth to try and get the perfect shape. They turned out great but it was just so time-consuming,” he recalls.
Dr. Goeckeritz adds, “Using Uveneer templates benefits both the practice and the patient. For the dental practice, it allows us to be more efficient, and the results and reusability in that you can sterilize the Uveneer template kit and reuse it within 15 minutes is awesome. It cuts down on materials, and for the patient, it’s phenomenal because we do a lot of porcelain lab case veneers, but the majority of the patients in our demographic aren’t ready to spend upwards of $1,000 per tooth on a porcelain veneer. With the Uveneer templates, a beautiful composite veneer will only run them $400 to $500—and that cost goes down the more teeth they have done. We often do it for as low as $250 to $300 a tooth. It’s been a wonderful tool for our patients who want a great smile for half the cost.”
As far as the comparison goes between free-hand composite veneers and composite veneers done with the Uveneer template, Dr. Goeckeritz says,
Left: Dr. Goeckeritz isolates one of Heather’s problem teeth
Right: Dr. Goeckeritz uses a Uveneer template to shape Heather’s new composite veneer
That’s when Dr. Goeckeritz introduced her to the Uveneer templates, proposing that they fix her two teeth with composite using the system. She jumped at the chance.
Dr. Goeckeritz says before he adopted the Uveneer template system in his practice, he would often spend up to an hour and a half to two hours on a chairside composite veneer case. “Before using the Uveneer composite template system, I would spend hours stacking and layering and doing everything by hand with the little mylar strips and teflon tape around the teeth to try and get the perfect shape. They turned out great but it was just so time-consuming,” he recalls.
“When we first purchased the Uveneer templates, within the very next week I had done two cases that were similar to the free-hand case I had just done that took almost two hours, and I was done in about 45 minutes and the results were just as good or better. The shape and polishing with the Uveneer templates is just so nice.”
Ultradent’s Uveneer direct composite templates allow clinicians to create beautiful composite veneers with predictable shape and symmetry—all in one visit. Each template mimics natural dentition and is designed to create high-quality natural-looking anterior restorations. Uveneer templates use innovative technologies that help achieve a refined, anatomically correct, high-gloss restoration in a fraction of the time than if done free-hand. Results are both reproducible and predictable.
Ultradent’s Uveneer direct composite templates allow clinicians to create beautiful composite veneers with predictable shape and symmetry—all in one visit. Each template mimics natural dentition and is designed to create high-quality natural-looking anterior restorations. Uveneer templates use innovative technologies that help achieve a refined, anatomically correct, high-gloss restoration in a fraction of the time than if done free-hand. Results are both reproducible and predictable.
Dr. Goeckeritz adds, “Using Uveneer templates benefits both the practice and the patient. For the dental practice, it allows us to be more efficient, and the results and reusability in that you can sterilize the Uveneer template kit and reuse it within 15 minutes is awesome. It cuts down on materials, and for the patient, it’s phenomenal because we do a lot of porcelain lab case veneers, but the majority of the patients in our demographic aren’t ready to spend upwards of $1,000 per tooth on a porcelain veneer. With the Uveneer templates, a beautiful composite veneer will only run them $400 to $500—and that cost goes down the more teeth they have done. We often do it for as low as $250 to $300 a tooth. It’s been a wonderful tool for our patients who want a great smile for half the cost.”
As far as the comparison goes between free-hand composite veneers and composite veneers done with the Uveneer template, Dr. Goeckeritz says,
“I believe the Uveneer template creates a superior esthetic look. The finish is better than what I was able to create free-hand. Also, the technique I learned on myUltradent, which is to use flowable on the Uveneer template before using the packable, gives the tooth a high-gloss shine that has lasted on cases that going on a year and a half, are just as shiny, polished, and high-gloss as they were on day one.”
And the comparison with porcelain veneers? Dr. Goeckeritz says, “If you use the Uveneer templates correctly, I think it gives the patient the high-gloss, naturally translucent look of a porcelain veneer. In fact, I think that with a well-done case, only a dentist would be able to tell the difference between a porcelain veneer and a composite veneer done with the Uveneer template.”
Heather Maez, one of Dr. Goeckeritz’s patients, couldn’t be happier with her experience of getting composite veneers done using the Uveneer direct composite template system. In fact, they were the answer to a life-long insecurity she had with her smile.
Having worked in the dental field before, Heather says, “I always felt like my number 7 and number 10 teeth were too small. I even had a gingivectomy when I was younger to try and make them appear longer—and while that helped a little bit, I was never fully happy with the way my teeth looked. I was always self-conscious of the fact that my front teeth appeared a little bigger than those teeth when I smiled. I knew I wanted to do something about it but I wasn’t sure what.”
And the comparison with porcelain veneers? Dr. Goeckeritz says, “If you use the Uveneer templates correctly, I think it gives the patient the high-gloss, naturally translucent look of a porcelain veneer. In fact, I think that with a well-done case, only a dentist would be able to tell the difference between a porcelain veneer and a composite veneer done with the Uveneer template.”
Heather Maez, one of Dr. Goeckeritz’s patients, couldn’t be happier with her experience of getting composite veneers done using the Uveneer direct composite template system. In fact, they were the answer to a life-long insecurity she had with her smile.
Having worked in the dental field before, Heather says, “I always felt like my number 7 and number 10 teeth were too small. I even had a gingivectomy when I was younger to try and make them appear longer—and while that helped a little bit, I was never fully happy with the way my teeth looked. I was always self-conscious of the fact that my front teeth appeared a little bigger than those teeth when I smiled. I knew I wanted to do something about it but I wasn’t sure what.”
Left: Dr. Goeckeritz isolates one of Heather’s problem teeth
Right: Dr. Goeckeritz uses a Uveneer template to shape Heather’s new composite veneer
That’s when Dr. Goeckeritz introduced her to the Uveneer templates, proposing that they fix her two teeth with composite using the system. She jumped at the chance.
“The entire process was so easy. It almost felt like the same amount of chair time as when you get a cleaning. It wasn’t invasive at all either, and I walked out of the office with a whole new smile!
“Dr. Goeckeritz really took the time to match them perfectly to my other teeth too, so I’m really happy. No one would know these aren’t my real teeth. I’ve been so happy with the results at less than half the price than if I would have gone with porcelain veneers!”