Could you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Ally Singleton and I've been with Ultradent for two years. I started in sales and now I’m a project manager on the dental side of OEM.
Tell me the story behind the gorgeous photo you took that is featured on our Ultradent calendar and as our Facebook cover photo this month.
Well, I’m very active in the summer time, so when I moved to Utah, I knew I was going to have to embrace the cold very quickly in order to stay active, so I took up snowshoeing! So, last year, I was out snowshoeing with my friends and I love to take photos, and I just happened to get this shot!
Ally snowshoeing near
Guardsman Pass
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas.
Ally combines her Texas and
Utah Pride at Utah
What brought you to Utah? 
I have an older brother who lives here with his family and I would spend Christmases here. He convinced me to give Utah a try for just one year and here I am, almost eight years later! I never left, I love it here!
Ally looking out from Mt. Baldy in the Uinta Mountains
Tell me about your family. 
I’m divorced with a six-year-old son and we are so active together. In fact, we were just out skiing this past weekend! Aside from my brother’s family, it’s just me and my son here. The rest of my family still lives in Texas.
Ally and her son enjoy Utah’s Albion Basin
Tell me more about your other hobbies.
I love to do anything outdoors. I’m an avid hiker, skier, snowshoer, and runner. I love going out and getting a good run in early in the morning. It helps me come to work refreshed. I call it mental therapy with a physical benefit!
Ally finishing one of the many races
she enjoys running whenever she can
What do you like about working at Ultradent?
Well, I initially sought out work here at Ultradent because I’m passionate about teeth. It’s the first thing I notice in others and I’m very meticulous about taking care of mine, but then, when I came to work here, the first thing I noticed was the diversity! There are people from all walks of life and with all types of skillsets. It keeps things interesting and fun. The other thing I love about Ultradent is how family-oriented it is. The company where I worked before Ultradent was a publicly-held company, so there wasn’t that family feeling that, thanks to Dr Fischer, you get with Ultradent. Here, we march to the beat of our own drums, we innovate, we explore, and we have the freedom to do that. I love that. It’s a huge company that feels like a small company.