Wow! Twenty-five years have gone by!
Where did the time go so fast?
I guess it's true what they say about life,
Time flies when you're having a blast.
I remember so well the day I applied
And started working for Ultradent
The two professions I liked the least
Changed the direction my life went.
I started out as a temporary
Not sure if that was what I wanted to do,
But as I worked at Ultradent
The more my love of the family grew.
The Ultradent family who worked back then
Those many long years ago,
Also enjoyed their labors and peers
And the company continued to grow.
The reason for my change of heart
Was the opportunity to wear their shoes,
And walk in the paths they had tread
And experience their lives and their views.
A once in a lifetime opportunity for me
To be a part of a company new,
To share in doing good for others
What better work could we possibly do?
To rub shoulders with Dr. Fischer
And his family and all their kin,
They inherited their father’s love of work
And were willing to bring strangers in.
We all work together as a family now
Some stay and others go their way,
We rely on our skills and love of work
And we still work for better days.
The work we accomplish together
Where ever in the world we meet,
Blesses the lives of not only us
But the lives of all those we greet.
But now my time has finally come
When I celebrate my time with you,
I will treasure these special moments
When we get a chance to stop for a few.
Thank you all for sharing your lives,
Your experiences, and your skills.
Thank you all for being such friends
And I pray you always will.
I hope in the few years left ahead
I can still contribute the best part of me,
And continue to share in the care we give
And give you the best I can be.
I have received the best from all of you
And these years have been grand for me,
How much more fun can we possibly have?
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I only have one regret here at Ultradent,
That I don’t have twenty-five more to give,
But my life has been well spent.
–David Kendall