The Arch | An Ultradent Blog

Response to WHO Statement on Dental Care During COVID-19

Written by Ultradent Products Inc. | August 18, 2020

Ultradent is actively following the differing opinions from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Dental Association (ADA) regarding WHO interim guidelines saying routine, non-essential dental procedures should be postponed until there is a sufficient decline in COVID-19 transmission rates. We trust, support, and value the scientists and medical professionals guiding us through this pandemic. Ultradent backs the ADA’s position: “With appropriate PPE, dental care should continue to be delivered during global pandemics or other disaster situations,” ADA President Chad P. Gehani, DDS. 


"Dentists have been experts in infection control for over 20 years due to the HIV AIDS scare, so we're used to preparing our offices for infection disease control,” president of the California Dentist Association, Dr. Richard Nagy recently told ABC News. Many of Ultradent’s employees were in the dental industry—working in dental offices—during the rise of the AIDS crisis. We believe in dental professionals’ abilities to safely provide quality care amid an emergency health situation, though we recognize that areas experiencing heightened outbreaks should follow the guidelines of local authorities.



Well-respected clinician, lecturer, and researcher, Dr. Gordon Christensen adds “Without justification, the WHO issued an irresponsible and over-reaching “guidance” for dentistry! It does not take into account the precautions dentists have successfully utilized for prevention of infectious disease transmission!”



While Ultradent is a dental manufacturer, we are also made of employees who are dental patients and understand the value of access to procedures and treatments. Utilizing proper PPE and adhering to sterilization and infection control guidelines (issued by the ADA and CDC) have allowed millions of patients like us to safely visit dental offices in recent months, and Ultradent hopes this will continue.


Read More:


WHO Interim Guidelines

ADA Response to WHO Interim Guidelines

Clinicians Report Response to WHO Interim Guidelines

Dr. Richard Nagy Interview with ABC News