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From the Desk of Dr. Fischer: Highlights from Barcelona

Written by Ultradent Products Inc. | May 02, 2017
Earlier this year, my wife, Leenie, and I travelled to Europe for various meetings with our wonderful colleagues across the Atlantic. Later we went on to Barcelona, Spain, where we met with our European management team where various colleagues, including myself, presented and shared ideas about the future of Ultradent and its products. Here's a recap of our fabulous trip below:
Ultradent’s European Sales & Marketing Team Explore Barcelona

It all began in Dardilly, France, where Ultradent was honored to receive a Medal of Honor from the University of Montpellier. After a wonderful time in Dardilly, we drove from France to Barcelona, Spain, where we met with our sales and marketing people from various offices throughout Europe. There were about 75 people in attendance. They came from our Middle Eastern and Italy office in Milan, Italy, from our office in France, and from our Northern and Eastern European office based in Cologne, Germany. They’re a very vibrant, positive, and upbeat team. I was greatly impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm for Ultradent, our products, and our core values. It was exceptional hearing them present. It was very encouraging to see that good things are going to continue to happen in that region and that our people there will continue to carry the torch up the hill, so to speak. 
Ultradent’s European Sales and Marketing team listen to team members present during their recent meeting in Barcelona

During the meetings, I was asked to speak to the group about our new products that we introduced in Europe, including Thermo Clone™ VPS impression material and Mosaic™ universal composite. We’re very excited about them reaching other parts of the world, as we’ve just recently launched them here in the United States as well.

Dr. Fischer presents about Ultradent’s core values to the company’s sales and marketing team in Barcelona, Spain

One late afternoon, we took a walking tour of beautiful Barcelona, and my wife Leenie joined us. We were both so impressed with the city. Aurelio Gisco, the director of our office in Italy, organized the whole thing. He’s always the consummate host—always looking out for everyone’s needs and making sure everyone is taken care of. 

Left: “Dr. Fischer and Leenie enjoy a walking tour of Barcelona, Spain
Center: Ultradent’s European sales & marketing team explore the streets of Barcelona together.
Right: Aurelio Gisco, director of Ultradent’s Italy Sales and Marketing office, enjoys a chat with Dr. Fischer and his wife, Leenie


The wide variety of architecture in Barcelona is breathtaking. The works of the incredible artist, Antoni Gaudí, can be seen throughout the city. We were able to tour the famous Basílica de la Sagrada Família, which he designed, as well as his home. His style is incredibly unique and that was a fun and interesting highlight of the trip. 
Left: Basilica de la Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain, designed by Antoni Gaudí
Right: The team enjoys dinner at a restaurant in Barcelona

Dr. Fischer shares hugs with European sales and marketing team members at the end of the meeting


Overall, having the event there and being able to hug everyone on our European team and see how enthusiastic and knowledgeable they are was wonderful. I look forward to when we meet again!