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Avid Knowledge-Seeker & Movie Nut: Meet Ultradent’s David Parsons

Written by Ultradent Products Inc. | November 30, 2017
Where are you from?
Born and raised in California. I have lived in Utah for the past 13 years.

How long have you worked at Ultradent?
Two years.

Where did you take the photo that appears in Ultradent’s November calendar and on our Facebook cover photo?
I took the photo with my family on a vacation to Zion National Park at the top of the mountain, just through a narrow tunnel at the top during a light snow storm 
David's winning photo at Zion National Park, UT

Do you often visit the place featured in the photo?
No, it was a one-time family vacation, but we loved it.

What do you love most about living in Utah?
It’s a wonderful place to raise a family. I love the mountains and where I currently reside, I have a beautiful view of Utah Lake and the Uinta Mountains.

What are your hobbies?
I’m an avid reader, I love geopolitics, and I follow the news and current events faithfully. I also love to ride ATVs. I’m a science fiction and movie nut. I have a goal of reading the entire internet (ha!). I’m not quite there yet. Let’s just say I’m an avid and passionate knowledge seeker

Do you have any hidden talents?
Many years ago, I was a serious musician. I have not played music in a long time though.

How long have you been married?
I’m celebrating 18 blissful years of marriage to my one and only and together, we have two girls and one son. 
David Parsons, his wife, and three children
What is your favorite thing about work at Ultradent?
I love the sense of family Dr. Fisher brings to work life. His endearing approach to business is refreshing after having spent many years working for publicly held, large corporations.

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