The Arch | An Ultradent Blog

August Calendar Photo Spotlight: The Canyonlands by Hillary Hubbard

Written by Ultradent Products Inc. | August 11, 2016

"I took this shot on a visit to Canyonlands National Park that I took on a whim with a girlfriend," says Hillary Hubbard, a change analyst in R&D here at Ultradent, and the photographer behind Ultradent's calendar shot for August. She continues, "I'm a Utah native—born and raised in Syracuse and I've been visiting Southern Utah since I was a kid. We'd go with my family at least twice a year." 

However, it's not just Southern Utah that Hillary says she is fond of. "I love the diversity of the landscapes here in Utah. You can go from the Northern Uintas—these majestic, beautiful mountains, and then you can go down south where it's a desert and there are these gorgeous red rock formations and cliffs—it's just stunning." 
Hillary has been with Ultradent for two years, and of the company, she says she loves the culture the most. "It's incredibly accepting and a great environment to work in for learning and growth. Working with Dr. Fischer is the best, too. He's just so friendly and so warm and always takes the opportunity to get to know everyone even though it's a huge company."

Besides working hard, traveling, and exploring, Hillary says she also loves to quilt in her spare time.

Gorgeous shot, Hillary!