The Arch | An Ultradent Blog

An Ultradent Holiday Tradition: R&R

Written by Ultradent Products Inc. | December 23, 2015

Dr. Fischer has spoken many times about the importance of happiness in the workplace—even going so far as to say that the quality of Ultradent’s products depends on it! “We believe not only in the quality of products, but in the quality of the workplace, or the quality of the work environment—with an emphasis on happiness. We believe that it’s difficult to have quality products if there’s not a quality culture and quality of life in the workplace,” he says.

Ultradent has long hung its hat on being a family company—not only in that it started as a family-only company in 1978—but that family, and Ultradent’s family culture, despite the company’s incredible growth since its humble beginnings, still remains incredibly important. When it comes to work/life balance, being able to spend time with the ones you love and care for remains paramount to Dr. Fischer and to Ultradent’s company culture.

That is why, since its inception, Ultradent closes its doors every December 24th until after the New Year to allow every one of its now 1500+ employees to go home, relax, enjoy the holidays, and most importantly, spend time with their friends and family. We call this R&R, and it’s a benefit that has brought smiles to the faces of Ultradent employees year after year in anticipation of those precious few days the company gives as a (paid) gift to each and every one of its team members.

So this year, as R&R approaches, we hope you’ll remember to take the time to enjoy being with those dearest to you, as we do the same here at Ultradent.

But don’t worry—we’ll be back, ready and refreshed, for the wonderful 2016 on January 4th, and we hope you will be too.

Happy Holidays, from our Ultradent family to yours.